Monday, July 30, 2012

UppInt A: Shopping Addiction

Today we will watch a video that deals with shopping addiction.

1)VOCABULARY: Before you watch, please look up the following words that will come up in the video. Follow the links to the dictionary to find a definition

-The urge to splurge

-For many Americans, shopping is a chore
-The act of shopping is a quick fix
-You get a rush when you buy something
-That’s a red flag that you could have a problem 

2) WATCH: Watch the video and answer the questions below

 1) What are some indicators that you are a shopaholic?
 2) What statistic is provided about the power of advertising?
 3) What makes up the equation of financial trouble
 4) What does this mean: "If you eat enough lobster, it tastes like soap."?
 5) What are the steps to resolving your financial crisis?

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