Tuesday, April 24, 2012

INT B: Vocab List April 23-27

A world guide to good manners
-a firm handshake
-to yawn
-first name/nickname/surname =family name = last name
-to bow
-a light/heavy meal
-to exchange
-a business card
-a greeting/ a greeting card
-a colleague/ a coworker
-to refuse= to say no = to turn s.t./s.o. down
-to feel like

Phrasal Verbs- PUT
-to put up with s.t./s.o
-to put s.t. on
-to put s.t. off
-to put s.t. out - fire
-to put s.t. away
-to do chores
-to do/run errands
-to procrastinate
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

Listening: Come to My Place!
-to show off/ to be modest
-a potluck
 -a main course
-a dessert
-a side dish

Requests + Offers
-to fill s.t. up
-soda= pop = soft drink
-to give s.o. a ride
-to drop s.o off/ to pick s.o. up
-to hold (to wait)
-"Just looking, thanks"

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