Wednesday, April 18, 2012

INT D: Movie Reviews

Bridesmaids is a 2011 comedy that was successful both commercially and critically. 

1) Watch the trailer....

2) With a partner, discuss:
 -What is the plot of the movie?  -What is the genre?    -Who do you think the target audience is?
 -Why do you think this movie was successful?      -Would you want to watch this movie? Why or why not?

3) Now, watch a movie review of the film...

4) Discuss the following questions:
        1) According to the two critics, what were some positive points about the film?
        2) According to the two critics, what were some negative points about the film?

5) Go to  Listen and answer the questions. After, check your answers. Next, go to Text Completion Listen, fill in the blank and check your score. Lastly, go to Quiz Script and write down any new vocabulary from the listening. 

6) In the next block, you are going to write a 3 paragraph movie review. Choose a movie you've seen and one that you have something to say about. This can be your favourite movie or a movie you really hated.
Before you write, you are going to look up information about this movie and plan what you are going to write:

Use these sites to find information and read reviews of what other people think:                      

Find information about: genre, year, cast (actors), director, producer, awards, plot (storyline), setting, characters etc.

* 1st paragraph- Introduction: Name of the movie and genre, give general facts about the movie
* 2nd paragraph- Plot:  Briefly summarize the plot in a few sentences (don't give away the ending!)
                                       This movie talks about..
                                       It tells the story of...
                                       This movie deals with...
                                       This movie is about...
                                       Setting: This movie is set in...This movie takes places in...

*3rd paragraph- Your opinion:What were the strong (+) points? weak (-) points?
                                              Would you recommend this movie? Who would you recommend it to?
                                              Reasons to watch or NOT to watch this movie
                                              Did you enjoy this movie? What was enjoyable?
                                              If you could change something, what would you change?

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