Sunday, May 13, 2012

Phrasal Verb: CUT

to cut s.t. off
1-to separate s.t from the larger part
"When I was cooking, I accidentally cut the tip of my pinky off. There was a lot of blood."
"Before I wore my new dress out, I forgot to cut the tags off."

to get/be cut off
 -to suddenly not be able to hear someone that you were speaking to on the telephone:
"Hello? Can you hear me? We got cut off."

to cut s.o. off
1-to stop having a friendly relationship with
"Jenny had been completely cut off by all her family and friends."

2-to interrupt s.o. in conversation not allowing them to finish
"Can you not cut me off! Let me finish!"

3-to change lanes dangerously, suddenly moving in front of another car
"I almost got into an accident this morning. An idiot cut me off!"

4-to stop giving money to s.o, especially parent to child
"My parents threatened to cut me off if I didn't go to university."

to cut down/back on s.t. -to reduce (an amount, size, cost of s.t.)
"I've always smoked, but I need to cut back.
"I want to cut down on eating so much junk food. I need to think of my health 

to cut s.t. down -to cut the trunk of a tree so it falls 
"They cut down all the trees in my neighbourhood." 

to cut s.t.out- to remove s.t. by cutting around it. E.g/ cutting a shape from a piece of paper, a coupon out of a magazine
" My mom likes to cut out coupons all the time." 

"Cut it out!" (spoken) - used to tell s.t. to stop doing s.t. because it is annoying
(Noisy) "Can you guys cut it out! I'm trying to study!"  

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