Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bus. Eng: Ethics Expert

1) QUIZ:  Take this ethics quiz to find out if you "smart" you are when it comes to doing the right thing

2) DISCUSS: With a partner/small group, discuss the following dilemmas:

Someone you've just hired seems to be attracted to you and you're attracted to them. Both of you are single. What would you do?

At a family dinner out, you use your corporate card because you forgot your personal one, when it comes time to do you expenses, what would you do?

In a public restaurant, you overhear colleagues discussing confidential client information and mention the client by name , what would you do?

3) WATCH: Now watch this clip of an interview with an ethics expert dealing with the 3 workplace issues from above. How close were your responses to what Bruce Weinstein says?

While you watch... 
A) Write down his recommendations/comments about each issue.
B) What are his 5 basic principles of ethics?

4)VOCAB: Follow the link for each word and find the definition

"Let's face it. Most relationships don't work out." (1:16)
 "There are two ethical concepts at stake here." (2:17)
"You're being honest by being upfront with the boss." (2:24)
"What if I negotiate my own perk." (2:34)
"This is tricky." (3:03)
"If you blow the whistle, that's probably too harsh of a response."  (3:27)
"Are there any basic rules of thumb you would tell people in the workplace, ways of making these decisions without having to consult someone else." (3:40)

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