Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bus. Eng- B: “There's zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas.”

From "In a culture where being social and outgoing are prized above all else, it can be difficult, even shameful, to be an introvert. But, as Susan Cain argues in this passionate talk, introverts bring extraordinary talents and abilities to the world, and should be encouraged and celebrated."

1) Watch a video about the "battle" between being an extrovert and an introvert
Go here to find the video:
If it is easier for you to follow along, you may put on the subtitles (beneath the video, select English).  Do not pause or stop the video, watch it once straight through. As you watch the video, focus on the main ideas/ "the big picture" that Cain talks about and you can write down some keywords that you think are important.  Don't worry if you don't understand every single thing.

As you watch, think about this question.....What is her principle argument? That is, what is the point of her speech?

When you done watching the first time, turn to a partner/small group to discuss the above question. 

2) Go back to the video and find answer the following questions in point form (you can re-watch certain segments of the video or also use the interactive transcript (function below):

1-Describe Susan's first experience at summer camp.
2-According to Cain, what is the general societal view on introverts/extroverts?
3-Describe the qualities of an introvert. What describes an introvert? What doesn't? (4:06)
4-What is the key to maximizing our talents? 
5-What does she say about the classroom and the workplace? (5:10)
6-What is one explanation of why our classrooms and workplaces are set up like they are?
7-In her conclusion, what 3 "call to actions" or "food for thought" does she leave us with? (16:45)

3) VOCABULARY (be prepared to explain its meaning and how it is used in the video)
If you don't remember how the word was used, please go to the interactive transcript to see it in its context

-a keg party ( a "kegger")
-a cheer
-to forsake s.o.
-to long to do s.t.

Use to look up any vocab you aren't familiar with and jot down any vocab you want to discuss as a class.

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