Monday, June 18, 2012

INT C/D: "The One with the Dirty Girl"

Today we will watch a short clip from the popular sitcom Friends to introduce the grammar topic we'll be studying this week.

Follow the links below to look up some vocabulary you will come across in the clip

"Mitzi is.. my hamster"
"I mean, who cares about a little sloppiness."
"It's endearing really."
"I must have freaked out."
"Department of Sanitation?"

Cheryl "Dirty Girl"  + Ross                                    Joey + Ross

2) Click on this link to watch the video

3) While you watch, you need to write down six different sentences. The sentences must be said from one person to another (Either Cheryl-Ross/Ross-Cheryl  OR Joey-Ross/Ross-Joey) and be written down exactly as they are said (DIRECT QUOTATION). 

-Use quotation marks "  "  to mark the quoted speech
-The 6 sentences must be one of the following categories:
  1. Question
  2. Imperative (Command) 
  3. Simple Present
  4. Simple Past
  5. Present Perfect
  6. Future (will or be going to)
For example:

1. Question-  Cheryl to Ross: "Would you like to come in?"

REPORTED:  Cheryl asked Ross if he would like to come in. 

2. Imperative- Cheryl to Ross: "Take a seat."

REPORTED: Cheryl told Ross to take a seat

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