Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bus. Eng: "Perks that work"

Vocabulary from the reading:

perks- benefits you get from work other than salary e.g. car, vacation time, bonus etc.
at record lows (3)- the lowest it has ever been
to retain (5) - to keep/continue to have
a firm (8)- a company
being pampered (10)- taking care of/looking after s.o. very kindly, giving them things they want and making sure they are comfortable
shunned (15)- to avoid s.t./s.o on purpose/deliberately
devising (23)- planning/inventing a new way of doing s.t.
goes a step further (30)- doing s.t. extra/special
profitable (40)- producing a profit/making money
custom-fit (45)- made/built for a specific purpose/person
hot trends (48)- s.t. that is popular
labor crunches (56)-  a difficult situation due to a lack of employees
aligned with (62)- to support/agree with s.t. 
designate (76)- to choose someone or something for a particular job or purpose
an urge (81)- a strong wish/desire 
shareholders (86)- people who own shares in a company or business
employee-centric (87)- employee-focused
looking out for me (93)-  making sure s.o. is being treated well/protecting/watching over
cope with (95)- to successfully deal with a difficult situation
revamping (101)-changing s.t. in order to improve it or make it more modern

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