Sunday, June 24, 2012

Phrasal Verb: BRING

to bring s.o up- to raise a child (to look after/influence them until they grow up)
"He was brought up by his grandparents."
"I was brought up in Spain, that's why I speak Spanish."

to bring s.t. up

1- to mention a subject and start talking about it
"Why do you always bring money up when we talk?"
"A student brought up the topic of siblings and we discussed it for half an hour." 

2-to vomit/to throw up
"He drank so much that he brought up his dinner

to bring out the best/worst in s.o. - to make s.o. behave in the best/worst way they can
"Alcohol brings out the worst in her."

to bring s.t./s.o along- to take s.o./s.t. with you when you go somewhere.
"Feel free to bring a friend along to the party."
"I'm going to bring some wine along to the picnic."

to bring s.t. about- to make s.t. happen/ to cause
"The new factory brought about a lot of chemical pollution."
"The president is going to bring about changes to the law."

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