Tuesday, June 26, 2012

INT D: Phrasal Verb Discussion

Discuss the following questions with your group:

1) When was the last time you ran into a problem?
2) What things cheer you up when you feel sad?
3) What situation brings out the best in you? What situation brings out the worst in you?
4) Do you still keep in touch with your elementary school /childhood friends or have you drifted apart from all of them?5) Are you a reserved person or do you open up to people often?
6) What are some things you have hung onto from your childhood (e.g./ toys, books etc.)?
7) What is one food you could not do without?

to run into = to encounter
to cheer s.o. up = to make s.o. feel better/happier 
to bring out the best/worst in s.o. = to make s.o. behave in the best/worst way that they can
to drift apart = if people drift apart, their relationship gradually ends
to open up= to show your emotions/feelings
to hang onto = to keep s.t.
to do without=  to live or do something without a particular thing:

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